Tue, May 25
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Forever And Ever Amen (Saint Etienne REMIX)
Saint Etienne turn The Drums’ declarations of eternal love ...
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Mon, May 24
under tracks - 1133 reads
The Spell
here we are to present the Mojo Filter's brand new single ...
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Fri, May 21
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Numbers Don't Lie
Laura Burhenn has just released the first video from ...
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Thu, May 20
under tracks - 1913 reads
School of Seven Bells have a new album, and with that, a new dream-pop ballad to ...
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Wed, May 19
under tracks - 2124 reads
We Love Animals ft. Soulwax & Mixhell (Tom Staar REMIX)
Typically upbeat remix from Tom Staar here, as the Moda Music co-founder twists ...
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Wed, May 19
under tracks - 1793 reads
Each Year (AbsoFacto REMIX)
Experimental popster Absofacto (Jonathan Visger from Mason Proper) reimagined ...
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Wed, May 19
under tracks - 1744 reads
If My Brain Was A Program
Here we are to present new Atari single, "If My Brain Was A Program" available on ...
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Mon, May 17
under tracks - 1902 reads
Invisible Light
Stuart Price’s Herculean Euro-dance influence looms large on ...
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