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Fri, Sep 09
under tracks - 6084 reads
Waiting PJ20 the film directed by Cameron Crowe about the 20years story of Pearl Jam, The band issue today a new track "Olé".

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Thu, Sep 08
under tracks - 3648 reads
Aviary (Mogwai remix)
At first, you can barely see the band in their press pic; can barely hear the band in their download. But relax your squint, adjust your earbuds, allow the darkness to open and the sound to spread, and Mogwai’s post-rock rework of married Portland ambients Mint Julep will become brighter and louder than you ever thought possible. Thick shoegaze textures, soft laser squelches, and enchantress vocals seem to savor a rainy day, embracing all elements cold until they're transformed into something warm.

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Wed, Sep 07
under tracks - 3957 reads
Take Me To The Mountains (Derek Allen Mad Decent remix)
Swamp-step. Yeah, I said it. This track is swamp-step. Go tell your friends all about swamp-step; that new sound Mad Decent's Derek Allen made by combining the colourful electronics of LCMDF's original with the predatory slank of Jam City and the primordial oozes that drip now and then from HEALTH's reptilian carcass. Will it catch on, swamp-step? It's hard to tell, but as the only swamp-step track currently in existence, the scene will surely ride-or-die depending on the success of the original version of this, which arrives October 31 through Heavenly Recordings. One thing that's for sure is that if swamp-step does take off, this post is gonna kill it in SEO ratings.

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