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Sat, Feb 25
under tracks - 4171 reads
Futile Devices (Shigeto remix)
Ghostly International is famous for their hot electronic producers: Solvent, Tycho, Com Truise and many others, here is presenting the new Shigeto remix for the most known ecleptic songwriter Sufjan Stevens. Zach Saginaw create a perfect dress for Sufjan pop structures, it’s like an electronic carpet over dreamy tunes.

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Sat, Feb 25
under tracks - 4780 reads
Suffocation (HEALTH Remix)
Crystal Castles confirmed third album, here is in advance a pill of what you can expect. Another collaboration with they long time noisy mates HEALTH. The electronic machinery coupled with the marky vocal strains of both acts makes the whole track feel like being submerged in a bubble bath of broken glass. More news in next summer.

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Mon, Feb 20
under tracks - 4855 reads
††† is the side project of Deftones singer Chino Moreno. Along with Far guitarist Shaun Lopez and Scott Chuck, Moreno recorded the group’s debut EP last year, releasing it for free in October. A second release, EP ††, followed last month, showcasing the trio’s moody electro-rock sound. “Prurien†,” a track from the new EP, pairs grandiose guitar lines with this atmospheric instrumentation and Moreno’s pensive vocals, resulting in an emotive number that lingers after it stops playing.

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