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Thu, Apr 08
under vids - 1421 reads
winter's love (homeparty version)
Everyone of us had the idea to make an home-party for friends, you think about an easy party and then you think I've got the right music, food for the people and blah blah blah... ...well... this is what happen if you invite Animal Collective at your party.

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Wed, Apr 07
under tracks - 4109 reads
A superspecial track in advance from the new album SOLEX VS CHRISTINA MARTINEZ & JON SPENCER Amsterdam-based record-shop owner and songwriter Elisabeth Esselink best known as SOLEX join Christina Martinez one of the sexiest punkrock ladies and her husband mr. Jon Spencer; the man who bring the blues into the punk!

Tue, Apr 06
under vids - 1053 reads
Let Them Dance
Rainbow Arabia marry electro-acoustic dance sounds and world music with the youthful energy of punk using an array of Lebanese synthesizers and drum machines for breaking and unconventional dance bits.

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