Sat, Oct 08
under HLT compilation - 4660 reads
Rudolf Wants To Dance > the cassette
Contest: The HLT Plan: 22nd Step
The 8th of October is the Cassette Store Day 2016, it's also the 22nd Step of The Hi-Lo Tunez Plan. HLT present a special release on Cassette, limited edition 100 hand numbered tapes.

'Rudolf Wants To Dance' will be available in European Shops. The tape include brand new stuff by: Audacity, Flat Worms, Morgan Delt, Ian Sweet, Liquids, Erik Nervous, Video, Hippies Vs. Ghosts, IDALG, Surface To Air Missive, Video Age, Gregg Garvey, Charla Fantasma, Objects.

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3 tapes of the Plan for you people! Be the faster to answer next question and win your copy >
What's the name of The Hi-Lo Tunez Plan: 4th Step?
Answers to: themusicsoundsbetter[at]hilotunez[dot]com
Winners on the HLT facebook page next week.

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